MTN network coverage: Quality and availability, unpacked

Aspen Henriksen
May 27, 2024

In this digital age, maintaining a reliable connection is essential for those who embrace the advances in technology. MTN network coverage: Quality, availability, and performance have been a hot topic lately.


But what exactly goes into improving network quality? In this blog post, we will delve deep into the fascinating world of MTN's extensive efforts to enhance its services.


We'll explore their ambitious expansion plans and modernisation strategies. We'll discuss their partnership with Avanti Communications to provide satellite connectivity to rural communities. And we'll examine how they're working tirelessly to bridge the digital divide by boosting rural coverage.


Nonetheless, the journey has not been without its share of challenges. We will address issues like vandalism incidents and load-shedding affecting service quality while shedding light on MTN GlobalConnect's impressive growth amidst these obstacles.


Last but not least, you can expect an insightful overview of various network technologies used by MTN - from 2G all the way up to 5G - and how each contributes significantly towards an overall performance improvement in MTN network coverage. 


MTN network coverage, expansion, and modernisation: A comprehensive overview


To keep up with the ever-growing demand for better MTN network coverage, MTN has embarked on an ambitious project called Modernisation of Network South Africa. This initiative aims to improve network quality by adding a whopping 1,350 sites across the country.


Here are some key highlights:

  • 5G Coverage boost: With plans to expand the total 5G coverage to 179 sites in the Western Cape alone, users can expect faster internet speeds and improved performance.


  • Focusing on underserved areas: This expansion is not just limited to urban areas; MTN is also committed to providing better connectivity in rural regions that have been historically underserved.


MTN is continually enhancing its current setup and putting resources into advanced innovations, for example, 4G LTE which gives quicker information exchange rates than customary 3G systems.


The bottom line? If you're an MTN user or considering switching providers, this ongoing network expansion means you'll likely experience enhanced call quality and more reliable internet connections wherever you go.  


Connecting underserved communities in West Africa


Great news for rural communities. MTN is partnering with Avanti Communications to bring high-speed satellite internet to underserved areas in countries like Senegal. This partnership aims to connect over 1,000 villages and schools using Avanti's advanced Ka-band antenna system.


Let me break it down for you:

  • The goal: Provide reliable internet access to remote regions that lack traditional connectivity options.


  • The method: Utilise Avanti's cutting-edge Ka-band technology hosted by Free at their Tier III data center facility in Diamniadio, Senegal.


  • The impact: Empower these communities with digital tools essential for education, healthcare, and economic growth opportunities.


Pretty cool, right?


In fact, MTN's initiative doesn't stop there. They're also working on expanding their MTN network coverage across South Africa through the Modernisation of Network South Africa project (mentioned earlier).


To sum up: MTN is committed to improving network quality and availability not only within urban centers but also among underserved populations throughout West Africa, making a significant impact on people's lives.


Rural deployments targeting peri-urban areas


Let's talk about MTN availability plans for rural deployments. By the end of 2023, they aim to roll out over 100 rural deployments across underserved regions in South Africa. This means better network availability and digital access benefits for villages and peri-urban areas alike.


MTN's efforts are not only about improving connectivity but also creating employment opportunities that contribute towards economic growth.


  • Digital access benefits: Improved safety during crises like the Covid-19 pandemic by providing reliable communication channels.


  • Economic Growth: Job creation through infrastructure development and maintenance projects in these regions.


Despite the challenges faced, progress is still being made. Vandalism incidents have cost a whopping R10.5 million in damages so far while load-shedding issues impact service delivery quality. No worries. MTN remains committed to overcoming these obstacles and ensuring uninterrupted digital progress throughout these regions. 


To stay updated on the latest pros and cons of MTN coverage, and advancements or find out more information on how you can improve network quality with MTN services, visit their official website.


Challenges faced by MTN in maintaining network infrastructure


It's certainly not a simple job to keep up with an expansive network infrastructure. MTN has faced its fair share of challenges in this regard, with vandalism incidents causing a whopping R10.5 million in damages. Vandalism not only puts a dent in the budget but also hampers efforts to improve network quality.


Another issue that has been plaguing MTN is load-shedding. Frequent power outages disrupt service delivery and affect overall performance. Customers experience poor connectivity and slower speeds during these periods.


So, how does MTN plan to tackle these issues head-on?


  • Deterrents for vandals: Implementing security measures such as surveillance cameras and alarms at key sites can help reduce instances of vandalism.


  • Better backup systems: Investing in reliable backup power solutions like generators or solar panels ensures uninterrupted service even during load-shedding events.


Despite facing some hurdles along the way, MTN remains committed to providing top-notch digital services across regions while constantly working towards improving its infrastructure maintenance strategies.


MTN GlobalConnect's growth and achievements: A success story


Before we discuss the impressive growth of MTN GlobalConnect, it's essential to understand how they managed to achieve such success amidst challenging times.


Here are some key milestones that contributed to their accomplishments:


  • Milestone #1: Financial growth through investment in human capital and fiber network development.


  • Milestone #2: Resilience during the pandemic, sustaining figures while increasing revenues by 48% YoY in 2023.


  • Milestone #3: Launching the HARAKA BSS platform for fixed connectivity, a game-changer for MTN customers.


Their financial growth can be attributed to strategic investments made over time. By focusing on developing its fiber network infrastructure and investing in skilled professionals, MTN GlobalConnect has been able to thrive even during turbulent times like the COVID-19 pandemic. This is truly commendable.


A significant factor contributing to this success was the launch of their innovative HARAKA BSS platform. It revolutionised fixed connectivity services for both residential and business customers across South Africa - talk about making an impact.


In summary, MTN GlobalConnect serves as an inspiring example of resilience and innovation within the telecommunications industry.


By focusing on strategic investments, adapting to challenges, and launching groundbreaking solutions like the HARAKA BSS platform, they've managed to achieve remarkable growth and success.


MTN's terrestrial fiber networks expansion across Africa


Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts. Today, we're going to talk about MTN's ambitious plans to improve network quality and availability in Africa.

MTN is actively rolling out terrestrial fiber networks across various African markets as part of its mission to provide better connectivity.


This expansion includes concluding new cross-border links (15 so far) and initiating asset separation processes among several countries involved in these projects.


  • New cross-border links: These connections are expanding coverage and bringing high-speed internet access to more regions across the continent.


  • Asset separation processes: This strategy ensures that each country can manage its own infrastructure effectively while working together towards a common goal.


The goal is to become both a NaaS supplier and PaaS business, meeting Africa's rising digital requirements in the future.

If you're wondering what NaaS and PaaS mean for you, here's a quick breakdown:


  • NaaS: A model where networking services are provided over the internet on an as-needed basis. Compared to conventional networking solutions, NaaS offers greater flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.


  • PaaS: A cloud computing service that provides users with tools to develop applications without worrying about underlying infrastructure management. PaaS provides a comprehensive package of app development solutions.


Read: MTN's future plan: Network expansion and innovation




MTN has devoted itself to updating and upgrading its network system, resulting in improved quality, availability, and performance. The addition of 1,350 new sites for expansion and the installation of 179 new 5G sites in the Western Cape will help ensure that more people have access to reliable mobile services.


The company is also bridging the digital divide by providing high-speed satellite internet access to rural communities and targeting over 100 rural deployments nationwide.


Despite challenges such as vandalism incidents and load-shedding affecting service quality, MTN continues to invest in human capital development and fiber network growth through MTN GlobalConnect. 


If you're looking for a mobile provider with exceptional network coverage, quality, availability, and performance then look no further than MTN. They are constantly striving to improve network quality and provide the best possible service to their customers.


Visit MobileStore today to see their latest offers on devices that work seamlessly with their network and also to read the FAQs about MTN coverage on their website to gain more insight into the quality of the offer.