Want a new cellphone but don't know which one?

Aspen Henriksen
May 27, 2024

Is it time to get a new phone? Here's how to choose a smartphone in 2023.


From an iPhone to Android devices, choosing between budget phones and the latest version, as well as all the features you can't live without (like a good camera or a proper full charge) — where do you even start?


Choosing a smartphone (or just a new phone in general) isn't always the easiest task when there's so much to think about. Luckily Mobile Store's your way of buying a new smartphone the effortless way.


How to figure out it's time for a new phone


If you're like most people, you probably don't give much thought to your cellphone until it starts to act up. You may find that your old phone is becoming slow, or that the battery doesn't last as long as it used to. These are all signs that it's time for a new cellular phone.


Another thing to consider is the type of phone you have. If you have a basic one that only does calls and texts, it's probably time for an upgrade. Smartphones offer a full range of features, from web browsing to gaming, and they have become increasingly affordable. So, if you're looking for a new phone, it's worth considering.


Finally, keep in mind that new phones are always being released. If you're looking for the latest and greatest technology, then you'll want to buy a new phone regularly. But if you just want a phone that does the basics, you can probably wait until your old one starts to malfunction before upgrading.


Everything you need to consider from storage to operating systems and more


When you're looking to buy a new phone, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The first is storage. Phones come with different amounts of storage, so you'll want to make sure you get one that has enough room for all your apps and files.


Another thing to consider is the operating system. Most new phones run on either Android or iOS, so you'll need to decide which one you prefer. There are also other operating systems available, such as Windows Phone and Blackberry, but they are becoming less common.


Price is an important factor. Phones can range in price from a few hundred rands to more than twenty thousand rands, so it's important to find one that fits within your budget. You also need to consider your carrier's pricing plan and whether you want a new contract or not.


Finally, you'll want to think about what type of phone you want. There are a variety of different types of phones available, from basic flip phones to smartphones with all the bells and whistles. So, think about what features you need and what type of phone will best suit your lifestyle.


Additional features that could change your mind


Extra features and add-ons are becoming increasingly common on new phones. For example, many new phones come with wireless charging capabilities. This means that you can charge your phone without needing to plug it in, which is a great convenience.


A popular add-on is headphones. Many new phones come with a set of earbuds or headphones, which is great if you like to listen to music or watch videos on your phone.


Some new phones are starting to come with foldable screens. This is a new technology that allows the phone to be folded in half, which makes it easier to carry around. So, if you're looking for a new phone, it's worth considering one of these models.


Besides physical add-ons, there are other factors to consider too. Some specific features may be important to you but aren't available with every device. This includes headphones jacks (whether you want them or not), fingerprint sensors, security updates, high megapixel count, a MicroSD card (which you may have to buy if you're upgrading) and a large screen for better viewing of your apps and games.


From IOS to Android: Shop our exciting range of new phones


Fulfil your cellular needs with Mobile Store.


From Apple's iPhones to Samsung's Galaxy devices and everything in between, make finding a new phone a breeze. With so much choice, it's up to you how much you're willing to spend — get the latest version or find something fantastic on a budget. Keep your phone number and switch to a smartphone that let's you enjoy features like better image quality, faster phone service and a sleeker look and feel. With so many phones at your fingertips, you can consider buying without breaking the bank.


Want more information before buying the latest version of Android or a new iPhone? Our blog is the place to be. We discuss topics like which phone's camera is worth the megapixels, which phone's battery life will last days and questions you need to ask when looking at new devices. Find out what you actually need before you get a phone so you can enjoy it more.


Get your new smartphone with Mobile Store


Whether you're looking for new Android or iOS models, we've got phones to suit every budget and lifestyle. Our selection includes top-of-the-line devices from major brands like Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG, and more. Plus, our knowledgeable sales team can help you find the right device for your needs and answer any questions you may have about new phone features and specs.


So why wait? Visit our deals category today to browse our full selection of new phones and find the perfect device for your needs!